Thursday, July 2, 2015

An old woman's thoughts

You may not be a person of faith, but I am. Therefore you may not want to read any of my posts.

So much fighting going on these days. Name calling, flags being banned, church shootings, riots, etc.

Some of these arguments are really getting out of hand. Causing people that are normally easy-going and friendly, to suddenly become angry and hostile. Once again turning brother against brother, father against son, one faith against another.....sound familiar?
We need to realize that all of this arguing is the devil's doing! This is what he wants us to do!
And, we sure are reacting just like he wants us to. These actions are starting to divide our country, to take our minds off of the BIG picture!

We can stand up for what we believe in without losing our tempers and causing fights.
Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing...don't react. Stay calm. Stay in control.
But, if, we need to interact...we need to remember..what would Jesus do?
I know He wouldn't lose His temper and fight over anything. Jesus is LOVE, and any action or word He would take, would be done with calmness, peace, and love.

This is certainly a troubled country...a troubled world..all foretold by the bible. God doesn't lie..what He has said will be will be!  And, to borrow an old quote: " We ain't seen nothing yet! "

Things are going to get a lot worse! This is just the beginning....and as a people...we sure aren't starting off on a good footing.

This has started over a simple flag. A flag that has been around for years!  Why now??
Because Jesus IS coming back soon...that old devil is running scared...he knows how this will all end, but he wants to hurry and get as many people to bow down to him and his ways as he can. To either continue to be unbelievers' or to pull christian's down while he has the power to do so.

But that is the point..we, as christian's, can not allow satan to have that power over us!
We must keep our sights on our journey's end. We must "be still and hold fast" to the Lord's promises.

We act as little children fighting over silly things. What will we do when these "thing's' become more serious? As I said before, this is only the beginning, it is going to get a lot worse.

It will come to be a matter of faith..and once again..our choice will be taken away. As christians we will have to meet in secret. Will have to hide our bibles....some will fall and take the mark of the beast. 

Such scary thoughts I know...but we must prepare ready...pray we aren't in the group that gets left behind when He takes His chosen ones. We need to let our light SHINE! Now, more than ever before, we need to be His beacon so the lost can find their way to Him. He is the lighthouse!!

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